Attention Mums and Dads of 4 to 10 year olds - is your son or daughter finding it difficult to unwind at bedtime and go to sleep?

How to Get Your Child Off to Sleep Quickly and Easily Without Drama


Is your little one struggling to go to sleep on time at night?
Has their bedtime routine become a long drawn out affair with too many false starts?
Do the find it difficult to de-stress, wind down and relax at the end of the day?
Is it causing you stress as it eats in to your alone time in the evenings?

You've tried everything from removing sugar from their diet, to increased activity during the day and maybe even resorting to bargaining with them… but nothing seems to work!

Of course you know it's not their fault but still it is stressful and disruptive for everyone.

I know what it's like - I've been there too.                  

My wife and I struggled with these problems with our daughter too, until I developed a solution…

A series of powerful techniques that teach your child's subconscious mind how to wind down, de-stress and fall asleep, all taught through a lovely engaging bedtime story.

A hypnotic story designed especially for kids to fall asleep quickly and easily and stay asleep all night long.

And because it is delivered in story, they will be learning without even knowing they are learning!

This wonderfully imaginative and effective story is part of my library of Fumbily Wood Stories for teaching kids mental resilience. It can be played straight from your mobile phone at bedtime.

Mums and dads are reporting an immediate improvement in the speed at which their child falls asleep even after listening just once.

So you might just be one step away from reclaiming your evenings!

Imagine what it would be like to see them develop a new bedtime routine, one that helps them to wind down, de-stress and relax at the end of the day all by themselves. How nice would it be to reclaim your evenings with a healthier less stressful end to their day?
I'm Dave Russell and I am a Mind Coach, a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and the father of one beautiful little girl called Lucy.
And when Lucy was 4, I created some hypnotic stories about a bear called Tumbles, who lived in Fumbily Wood, to help her develop the skills to manage her own mind and body, and help her to fall asleep quickly & easily at bedtime.

At first, I used to just sit on her bed at bedtime and make up stories as I went. I then gradually started to weave in some hypnotic suggestions to help her have a good nights sleep. She loved listening to the adventures of the characters I created, Tumbles the Bear and all his other animal friends in Fumbily Wood.

Eventually, I decided to write down the stories and record them so Lucy could listen to them when I wasn't home for bedtime. It was my way of letting her hear my voice each night before bed.

The method of combining the powerful techniques, hypnotic suggestions with the imaginative story worked so well that encouraged by my wife, Emma I started to write more stories about Tumbles the Bear and his friends to help teach some other mental resilience skills that would be useful to Lucy. 

And my collection of Fumbily Woods  stories was born. 

The stories were originally only ever meant for Lucy. I never intended to share them as they were a special thing between me and her. Tumbles was created for just my little girl by her daddy, that's the way I looked at. 

That was until...

One night as she started listening to one of her Tumbles stories, she looked at me and asked...

“Dad, wouldn’t it be nice if Tumbles could help other kids and not just me?”

I had never considered it but how could I say no to my little girl?

So I made her a promise, but I was nervous...

What if the stories were only effective because she was listening to her Daddy's voice narrating them?

What if it didn't work for other kids?

But having successfully worked with clients of all ages in my practice over the years, I was quietly confident and I had to make good on my promise!

I started to slowly share these stories with some friends, family, neighbours, my wife's colleagues and my clients.

And amazingly, it worked for their kids too!

The success rate was fantastic. Not only did it help kids fall asleep quickly and easily and stay asleep all night long but the other stories have helped other kids overcome stress and anxiety, emotional challenges and even bed wetting! 

And ever since Lucy encouraged me to share Tumbles the Bear and The Fumbily Wood Stories the library continues to grow and they have now helped countless kids develop mental resilience. 

Justin Seagrave Daly - Wicklow

What this Fumbily Wood Hypnotic Story will do for you:

  • Remove the stress felt by both parent and child that some bedtime routines can cause
  • Allow your son or daughter to fall asleep quickly & easily and stay asleep all night long
  • Help your child to wind down, de-stress and get themselves off to sleep at bedtime 
  • Put end to extended bedtime rituals that eat in to your alone time

Effortless to learn, easy to use and fun and enjoyable to listen to.

Here’s what you get…

Lifetime access to the Fumbily Wood story - Tumbles the Bear Wants to Fall Asleep.
On purchase you will get immediate access to the story via my password protected online platform. This platform can be easily accessed from any smartphone, tablet or laptop and can be played to your son or daughter directly from your phone without the need for headphones.
And you'll get lifetime access all for just one payment of …

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So for less than the price of a bottle of wine, you could put an end to your little ones bedtime stresses and help them to fall asleep quickly & easily and stay asleep all night long!
Think of all of the stress and effort that you and your little one could avoid when they start listening today
Click on the Buy Now Button below.
P.S. The Fumbily Wood Hypnotic Stories for Kids, developed by Mind Coach Dave Russell have been proven to help stop bed-wetting. But don't delay the €9.99 price for this story will be going up shortly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The stories are accessed via my online platform via any smartphone, tablet or p.c.

You'll receive an email with a link and your log in details immediately after purchase and you can access the story straight away.

No, you can just use the built in speaker in your smartphone or tablet. Headphones aren't necessary as they can be uncomfortable and distracting for kids when going asleep.

No. As they are drifting off to sleep their brainwaves naturally change in to more alpha, delta and theta brainwaves that are more effective for making change in the subconscious mind.

For the first week approximately they should listen to the story every night. For the next month this can be reduced down to about twice a week. For the next few months it is advised that they listen to the story at least a few times each month to ensure that the changes in the sub-conscious mind is maintained.

No, at the end of the day this is just a nice bedtime story that has added benefits of some positive hypnotic suggestions. You can't overdoes on it!

No. Hypnosis is nothing more than a state of mind characterised with certain brainwaves that make suggestions to the subconscious mind easier. Children naturally spend more time in this state of mind than adults as their young mind absorbs information.

Some parents report an immediate improvement in the speed at which their child falls asleep after listening just once. Other results may vary and take longer. 

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